Giving to LAU

Emergency Financial Aid Fund

The future of Lebanon’s youth is at stake.

Due to Lebanon’s financial crisis, a rapidly increasing number of our students — and prospective students — are at risk of having to forgo their education.

In response to this dire situation, LAU is implementing various measures to reinforce its financial aid budget, but additional funding is urgently needed to take these efforts to completion. We count on your support to extend a lifeline to as many families, and promising young people, as possible.

The fund will be immediately deployed, so that academically strong but financially vulnerable students don’t lose their academic year — and their chance at becoming the outstanding professionals, thinkers, and leaders that will shape the future of our beloved country.

Thank you for supporting Lebanon’s greatest asset.

Students chatting next to a sign that reads “I love LAU.”

Students find on our campuses diverse, safe environments that guarantee academic freedom and nurture deep thinking and free speech. Today, this opportunity is alarmingly beyond reach for too many in Lebanon.

Students cooking with a woman from the Shouf area.

Our students spearhead exemplary community service projects, such as “Shouf Soufretna” — a program whereby women from the Shouf got trained in cooking healthy, organic food made with local produce to enhance the local guest house experience. This allowed the women to improve their livelihoods while boosting the area’s culinary heritage and tourism.

Today, fewer and fewer students can experience LAU’s commitment to “the education of the whole person” due to this economic crisis.

In numbers…


In fall 2019, more than half of our students are receiving some form of financial aid.


Over five years, need-based aid applications from new students have increased by 72%.
Applications from current students have increased by 59%.


LAU is currently allocating one-third of its operating budget to financial aid… and this is still insufficient to meet the needs of all those affected by the crisis.